What is Lip Blush?

Lip blush is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo procedure that adds definition and a soft wash of color to the lips. Color fades 40-60% from the initial application

How long does it last?

As lip blush is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo it will fade over time and you may want to receive a touch-up down the line.

Do I need a touch up?

A 6-8 week touch-up is included with your initial appointment in order to ensure color saturation is even and borders are defined. Since lip blush is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo you may want to receive a touch-up 2-5 years after your initial appointment.

Who shouldn't get cosmetic tattooing done?

  • Individuals under the age of 18

  • Individuals who are pregnant or nursing

  • Individuals who are diabetic or epileptic

  • Individuals with keloid scars, eczema, or psoriasis near the lips

  • Individuals with transmutable blood diseases (HIV, Hepatitis, etc.)

  • Individuals taking blood thinners

  • Individuals on Accutane (Must wait 1 year after last dose)

  • Individuals actively undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy

  • Individuals with botox in the area (Must wait at least 4 weeks after injectables before undergoing a cosmetic tattoo procedure)

  • Individuals with allergies to lidocaine, epinephrine, pigment, etc.

Does lip blushing hurt?

Pain-tolerance is subjective, however most clients describe minimal to no pain at all. We use two topical high-efficacy anesthetics, one cream (prior to the service) and one gel (during the service). Some clients may experience swelling, but it subsides within 24-48 hours.

Can I receive lip blushing if I have a history of cold sores?

Lip Blush is a gentle procedure, however because we are causing light abrasions to the skin it can trigger a cold sore outbreak IF you are someone who already has a history of experiencing cold sores. It is important to consult with your doctor if you have a history of cold sores and would like to receive lip blushing. An antiviral medication or supplement is typically prescribed prior to the treatment and should be discussed with your doctor.

Is there any pre-care I should follow?

Yes, pre care is extremely important to follow as it will lead to the best healed results. Please see pre care below.

Day of appointment: No caffeine, do not workout. Both can increase blood flow and lead to poor pigment retention

24-48 Hours Prior: No blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, Advil, or niacin, or fish oils). NO alcohol. You may start to take arnica pills 1 day prior to the appointment to help reduce any swelling, discontinue 5 days after procedure.

2 Weeks Prior: Avoid sun and tanning two weeks leading up to your appointment. Avoid waxing, plucking, or threading for two weeks leading up to your appointment. Discontinue chemical exfoliants. Drink plenty of water a couple days prior to appointment.

4 Weeks Prior: No botox or filler around area to be tattooed. Avoid chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and facials.No alcohol, caffeine, blood thinners (ibuprofen, fish oil, etc.) 24 hours prior to treatment

I’m still not 100% sure about the procedure, do you offer consultations?

Yes! I want to ensure you are 100% confident and comfortable before undergoing a cosmetic tattoo procedure with me! To book a consultation click the link below. Please note consultations are free however a credit card is required to book your appointment, a $20 non-refundable/ non-transferable fee is charged on the credit card if you no-show, cancel within 24 hours of your appointment or are late past 15 minutes which leads to an automatic cancellation of your appointment.